La estafa es un intento de robarle xats, días de suscripción (days), powers o cuentas. La estafa se presenta en tantas formas y tamaños como los propios estafadores. En esta guía, le mostraremos las técnicas de estafa más populares.
The general idea is, the scammer makes an offer, usually a very good offer. Then, you both enter your offer in and you accept, while the scammer does not. They then attempt to lower their own offer or change their offer just before you accept. However, this rarely works, as xat has taken many protective measures against this. Also, look out for scammers who will put days in the xats box instead of the days box.
Some scammers will attempt to convince you that the trade engine doesn’t work. They will then tell you they must use transfer, and you have to transfer first. NEVER TRANSFER FIRST. I repeat, NEVER TRANSFER FIRST. ALWAYS USE SAFE TRADE.
In this situation, scammers will try very hard to convince you that they can duplicate your xats/days/powers and that the only thing you have to do on your part is trade/transfer the xats/days/powers to them. Many users get scammed through this method. The scammers may even show you fake videos or screenshots showing that they have done this before, or even go on the trade engine and show you their powers in pairs of 2 or 3. You must always remember this is NOT and never will be possible because no one can generate as many xats/days/powers as they want.
Some people or even “friends” may want to borrow your power for a minute, and you decided that they are trusted enough to lend it to them. They run off with the power, and you never see it again. Please note that xat does not support the lending of powers. If you do decide to lend the power, you could ask for xats in return.
To report a scam, you will need sufficient proof that you were scammed. When taking screenshots, there should be a full screenshot of the chat showing all of the messages, and another screenshot when you click on the user and their ID and messages are visible.
If your scam occurred on the Cambio chat, send your proof to a moderator or
owner and they will take the appropriate action within the chat.
With your proof, open a ticket under the Report Scam help topic.
Ensure that your ticket subject is 5 or more words.
Opening a ticket under Report Scam is free and all users should not have a problem with opening one.
If for some reason you cannot open a ticket, contact a Trade moderator/owner or visit the Help chat.
If you’ve already been scammed and forgot to take proof, you can still open a ticket with information regarding the scam and a volunteer/admin can look through trade logs. However, there is NO guarantee you will be refunded.
When reporting false trades, two screenshots will be needed: one in main chat and one in private chat. Screenshots should include the users register name and identification/ID number.
One screenshot showing the offer in main chat
Another screenshot showing their false offer in private chat.
When you have your screenshots, private chat a mod or owner on the chat. They will analyze it and take further action if necessary. Do not accuse others in main chat, all kind of reports should be done via private chat and not in main chat. Accusing users in main chat will not be tolerated (even if the accusation is genuine).
Note: These screenshots were only used for examples. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask a mod or owner.
Volunteers will NEVER ask for your xats, days or powers. Volunteers are rewarded for their services through test powers, which are distributed by admins. Volunteers will not ask for further rewards.
Volunteers will NEVER ask for your password. They do not require this information for anything (nor does any user). The only times that volunteers will ask for your information is if you request a ticket opening (they would ask for your ID, username and the email address associated with your account) OR if you have a ticket open and they ask you within the ticket to answer security questions – in this case, the information should be provided within your ticket.
Volunteers will NEVER private message you on the chats to inform you that your account is blocked for illegal activity. Volunteers have no reason to do this – all account block matters are handled within tickets.
The following are examples of something FAKE:
NOTE: If someone is impersonating a volunteer (or even a wiki editor, etc.), please ignore them and report them immediately with evidence. Proper evidence may include two full chat screen grabs. The first screen grab must have the messages in their entirety. The second must have the user ID and registered name with the messages partially visible. If you are concerned for your safety, please change your password immediately.
Please also be vigilant of clicking suspicious links from random users and check the Volunteer wiki page before you contact a volunteer. You may share this topic/information with anyone who is worried about a fraudulent user.
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